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Health Directory

  • Baxter Heparin
    Medical Sentry provides you with facts about various kinds of diseases such as kidney failure, heart attack, myalgia, gadolinium and myocardium.
  • Medical Procedures Thailand
    International Medical Options offers a new world of overseas health care opportunities for you and your family. Thailand Medical Tourism opens a new way to address medical care options and medical procedures that lowers cost of medical care.
  • Parathyroid Gland
    Dr. Stickney is undoubtedly one of the leading parathyroid surgeons. Find up-to-date, straight-forward discussions of parathyroid disease and minimally invasive parathyroid surgery.
  • Lasik Surgery
    We deliver you the top possible refractive surgery options for patients with different eye conditions such as Astigmatism, Hyperopia, Myopia and Age-related Presbyopia.